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Apache Mesos 1.5 Improvements | D2iQ

Apache Mesos 1.5 Improvements | D2iQ

Running Java in a Container

Running Java in a Container

Certified Packages for Production-ready Data Services on DC/OS

Certified Packages for Production-ready Data Services on DC/OS

Data Science on DC/OS

Data Science on DC/OS

2018 Kubernetes Predictions

2018 Kubernetes Predictions

DC/OS helps athenahealth build cloud-based services | D2iQ

DC/OS helps athenahealth build cloud-based services | D2iQ

Mesosphere Collaborates with Tata Consultancy Services

Mesosphere Collaborates with Tata Consultancy Services

DC/OS Performance Advisory on Meltdown/Spectre

DC/OS Performance Advisory on Meltdown/Spectre

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