
Why Smart Companies Plan for Day 2 Before Day 0

Oct 21, 2019

Christine Beuhler


For enterprise companies exploring today’s cloud native landscape, the sheer number of technologies to wade through is staggering—from cloud providers to orchestration platforms to set-up tools. Do you use public cloud, private cloud, or multi-cloud? What’s the best service to choose for monitoring, logging, or AI? 


In addition to knowing what technologies you can safely include in your implementation, you need to figure out how to make all these individual services fit into a larger solution.  All together, this is enormous and overwhelming undertaking that can potentially lead to unforeseen problems on Day 2. And it’s precisely at this point where most companies start to flounder.


The Three Steps to Day 2 Success

After the busy Day 0 and Day 1 activities of production, deployment, and implementation, many companies may fail when it comes to Day 2 operations for a multitude of reasons: poor planning, overlooking how their applications work together, or pre-maturely launching their applications without knowing how to troubleshoot. Day 2 is the phase of the development lifecycle where the real application demands exist, which is why smart companies plan for Day 2 before Day 0.


Whether your goals as a company involve advanced container orchestration using Kubernetes, massive application scale leveraging Mesos and DC/OS, or succeeding in a large-scale data driven environment, the technology used isn’t as critical as understanding the processes behind it that lead to successful Day 2 operations.


The three moves we outline in this ebook will help you leverage tested cloud native technologies for a competitive edge, as well as planning for Day 2.


1) Design with Day 2 in mind. It’s wise to think holistically from the get-go. Be sure to include all teams in your planning conversations, but especially operations; they are the ones who will be responsible for load-heavy architecture and platform decisions. 


2) Understand what drives reliable deployments. Successful Day 2 operations are contingent on more than just technology. You need to take into account the people involved, their level of expertise, design, implementation, and all the steps leading up to the launch.


3) Proactively identify production requirements. Before any code is written or technology is selected, ensure your team has the know-how and support to effectively use those technologies. In addition, make sure that you have a holistic operations plan in place for continued growth.


Learn how to embrace cloud native and get access to an expert-tested Day 2 framework by downloading, "3 Steps to De-Risk Your Day 2 Operations".

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