4 min read
What a turnout! Our first full day at #MesosphereHackweek was an unqualified success.
We welcomed engineers from ishi systems, DataStax, Verizon Communications, General Electric, eBay, PayPal, MapR, Microsoft Corporation, Banno, Groupon, Two Sigma, Metamarkets, MemSQL, rbonuts, Confluent, and Typesafe, among others.
Benjamin Hindman, the co-creator of Apache Mesos and Co-Founder/ Chief Architect at Mesosphere kicked off #MesosphserHackWeek with an awesome overview of Mesos and the Datacenter Operating System (DCOS).
Mesososphere core team members Alex Rukletsov, Adam Bordelon, and Connor Doyle, Senior Engineers at Mesosphere, gave a deep dive into patterns for building frameworks and datacenter services at Mesosphere.
Day 2 opened with Sunil Abraham from Two Sigma. Sunil shared how Two Sigma uses Mesosphere and described how they've built their own system for monitoring, alerting, and automated maintenance.
Mesosphere framework experts and Apache Mesos Committers spent the remainder of the day with guests hacking, hacking, and hacking on open source datacenter services (aka, Mesos frameworks), including Cassandra, Myriad, Kafka, HDFS, Storm, and Spark.
After a long day of hacking, engineers enjoyed the streets of San Francisco and fresh air, while stretching their legs.
The #MesosphereHackWeek is being captured on video by a professional crew that will be set up for a full two days capturing community excitement around Cassandra, Myriad, Kafka, HDFS, Storm, Spark and other "killer apps" for the datacenter. Mesosphere engineers and framework experts were also interviewed about how these application frameworks solve big problems in the modern datacenter and how collaboration across open source ecosystem benefits customers and users.
"The community video series is a great way to celebrate the open source communities at this important moment in history. We are capturing what it means to be at the beginning of the Datacenter Operating System revolution," said Thomas Rampelberg, Product Manager at Mesosphere. "Not only is this an amazing HackWeek, but it's a state-of-the-union for all of the early adopters. It's like being at the Homebrew Computer Club when Steve Wozniak first showed off the Apple I."
The purpose of the Mesosphere HackWeek has been to advance the Mesos open source ecosystem by collaborating around some of the key applications and services in the market and allowing these applications to be run in a distributed fault tolerant manner with efficient resource management on Mesos and the Mesosphere DCOS.
To find out more about Mesosphere and future events, sign up for early access to the Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System.