5 min read
- @pablete worked on a Sinatra app that listens to Marathon events and configures HAProxy. It groups apps for deploys, and hooks up to Grafana for metrics visualization.
- @stevendborrelli showed how to orchestrate parallel builds with Jenkins, and executed them on Marathon using Docker containers.
- @ConnorDoyle started work on a project that allows you to write Mesos frameworks as Akka actors.
- @guenter and @damirv fixed some bugs in Marathon and improved the documentation.
- @rloomba fixed a runtime issue in Marathon on JDK < 7.
- @russellcardullo hacked on Spark 0.9 on Mesos.
- @adam-mesos made the MapR Hadoop distribution work on Mesos.
- @nqn built Mesos bindings for the Chapel language.